The coaching team is led by Fiona Leatham.
Our coaches / leaders are:
Fiona Leatham, Simon Phillips, Adam Richards, Peter Holmes, Liz Featherstone, Dave Thornton, Michelle Purcell, Sarah Gill, Jules Collins, Julie Hollins, Nikki Shingler, Yvonne Richards, Carol Fowles & Janice Eastwood.
Experienced committee members may also lead groups on occasion in addition to named run leaders
See our coach profiles here.
We meet at 7pm and runs start promptly at 7.10 pm. On arrival please sign in with whoever is taking the names on the night. A committee member, nominated person or leader will have a clipboard with member list.
We split into groups of broadly equal pace to ensure that there are runs suitable for members of all abilities. For safety reasons we would like to keep all groups to a maximum of 8-10 runners so if your group is larger please organise it to become 2 smaller groups if possible.
It is much easier to ensure that no one gets left behind or falls off the back of a group if the groups are smaller. All groups should have a leader and preferably an experienced runner acting as back up leader in case anyone experiences difficulties on the run. Distances & routes will be agreed prior to starting your run.
We like to keep most runs conversational and look after each other. Distances range from 3 to 7 miles and are agreed by the group.
There are also regular organised club sessions encompassing speedwork, hills and other activities! These sessions are open to all club members and are suitable for all abilities.